Today we went out looking for kids who can't go to school because they have to work or because they don't have the necessary uniform and school supplies. We were in a community called Las Banderas where we found 14 kids that we are going to put into school this year as part of the 2014 Uniform Project. While we were our we found these two cuties at the well.
So we followed them to their humble home, sized four siblings for uniforms and ministered to this precious family. It was a long bumpy dirt road for a few miles and then we headed off of horse trails and crossed over field after field. When we finally arrived I couldn't believe how far they had to travel just to get water.
When we arrived we met this beautiful hard working family. They work in the fields all day with their kids just in order to bring home enough to eat one meal a day. They do not sell what they harvest. It is just enough to feed their family of 8. Yet they generously gave us this huge "ayote" that they just harvested to bless us. The children have never been able to go to school before, because the family can not afford the necessary school supplies and they need the children to help them work in the field in order to feed everyone. However, we spoke with the family and they are willing to send there children to the local church to receive a warm meal from the feeding center so that they do not have to work and miss school.
It will be a joyous day next Saturday when we return with their uniforms. They will also be in church tonight as the father said "to give God the thanks He deserves for His miraculous provision". Something else the father of the children said was that it wasn't necessary for us to return next week with uniforms for the children. That our visit alone was the greatest blessing they had ever received. Wow! It's is amazing what God can do in the heart of a person when we take a little time out to show them that they matter to God and that we care about them. 

Thank you to everyone who has given to the Uniform Project 2014 so that we could minister to this beautiful family today. What a joy and honor to bring them joy and hope in Jesus name.