Little boys sniffing glue in the dark alleys to mask their hunger pains. Teenagers with bleeding hands, arms and legs from gang fights with machetes. Small children with burnt feet from climbing over the burning trash looking for food. Widows with a hope for no tomorrow. Single mothers who have been left abandoned with no shelter, no food and no work. Fathers who feel useless and defeated as they struggle to provide a piece of plastic that will shelter there family from the heavy rains. Mothers weeping as they hold their children in their arms because there is no adequate medical care available.
These are the people we have grown to know. These are the people we have grown to love. They are hurting and they are hopeless, but they are beautiful children of an almighty God who can give them hope and a future. These people are the reason God birthed something very special in our hearts.
Many years ago God put a dream in our hearts. We have prayerfully kept it and now we are passionately pursuing it.
Will you help us raise $30,000 in the next 30 days??? During the month of September we are believing God for a miracle of $30,000. Why? We are passionately pursuing the dream God placed in our hearts to build a camp that will be a place of refuge for children and a missions training center.
We stepped out in faith 1 week ago today and we began leveling the land to build a tower that will store water and a large rancho (open air dining hall) that will easily allow us to feed 250 children sitting down. We are believing God for individuals and churches that know us and love Nicaragua to contribute or even better take up a special offering at your church specifically for this project in the month of September. Would you consider stepping out in faith with us and being part of this September miracle? Even a small personal donation goes a long way. Together we all form a team and team work makes the dream work!
Thank you for being a part of the September Miracle. A little goes a long way we are $2,400 closer to the goal of $30,000. Retaining wall is going up!
Who's going to get excited about what God is doing as we believe in faith for this September Miracle. We officially have $7,000 contributed towards the Rancho and water tower project. We are believing God to reach the necessary Goal of $30,000 by the end of September. With the funds that came in over the weekend we were able to bring in 4,000 more bricks and start putting up the columns. I love being able to show everyone the immediate results of your generosity as you give be immediately buy the materials to keep building. Rejoice with us in the journey.
SEPTEMBER 10, 2015
Our little buddy came to visit the camp today. First little one to come and play on the property. This place is going to bring so much joy and hope to so many. I stand amazed at the beauty of His unfolding plan. Love watching the columns go up.
SEPTEMBER 11, 2015
SEPTEMBER 12, 2015
SEPTEMBER 13, 2015
SEPTEMBER 14, 2015
SEPTEMBER 15, 2015
SEPTEMBER 16, 2015
Somebody get EXCITED!!! I love to see the body of Christ come together and be part of something bigger than ourselves. This is team work! The last few days we have been focused on training these World Changers and traveling to remote parts of Nicaragua taking the Gospel to places that are far and hard to get to. You have been praying and giving towards the purchase of materials. We now have $11,992 of the $30,000 that we are believing God for. A team of Nicaraguan men from one of the local churches in La Paz Centro have traveled to the site and have been camped out for almost 3 weeks building the Rancho. Everyone doing their part in something that is going to be a place of transformation for the lives of thousands of youth and children.
15 days to go! Spread the word...Let's get this Rancho (Open air dining hall) and water tower up this month. We had someone that we don't know donate $500 because someone took the time to share this message.
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Engage Team |
SEPTEMBER 17, 2015
SEPTEMBER 18, 2015
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First half of floor poured. |
SEPTEMBER 19, 2015
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Second half of floor poured. |
SEPTEMBER 20, 2015
Have you ever had one of those days where you are just left in amazement? That happen for us today. A Pastor from a rural town two hours from Managua sent 200 córdobas to our home. Which is equivalent to $7.31. He and his family desire to be a part for what God is doing to see the September Miracle happen. We are blessed and unexpectedly surprised. The poverty in Nicaragua is indescribable and to think that this Pastoral family would make such a great sacrifice means so much. This is the second offering we have received from nationals. What a beautiful blessing!
Now, with our most recent donation from our very own Nicaraguan family we now have $16,807.31 and 10 days left to meet the goal of $30,000. We are believing God for the funds to finish all the welding and get the roof started by the weekend. Also, to get the tank installed this week.
Both sides of the floor have been poured and we even had a special little helper come out and pitch in a hand. Enjoy the pics!
SEPTEMBER 21, 2015
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Water tower structure almost finished. |
SEPTEMBER 22, 2015
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Floor Finished! |
SEPTEMBER 23, 2015
SEPTEMBER 24, 2015
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Ladder to the top! |
SEPTEMBER 25, 2015
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Tower painted and waiting for the tank! |
SEPTEMBER 26, 2015
SEPTEMBER 27, 2015
SEPTEMBER 28, 2015
We officially have $27,600 for the September Miracle. Only $2,400 left to raise in the next 2 days so we can finish getting the roof up and install the water tank up on the tower. Let's do this!!!!
SEPTEMBER 29, 2015
Here we find ourselves with 24 hours left to reach our goal of $30,000 in 30 days to finish of the Rancho and water tower. We officially have $28,600. Only $1,400 to do to reach our goal by midnight tomorrow.
SEPTEMBER 30, 2015
We made it!!! Thank you will never be enough to say to those of you who have prayed fervently and given sacrifcially. I'm not sure there are words to describe the beauty of the unity that was formed through this September Miracle. Our arms have been lifted and our hearts encouraged. Our family, friends, businesses, Nicaraguans and even our neighbors have gotten behind this project to make this Miracle a reality.
The roof will be completed Friday and the tank is being raised up as I write this. The water lines will be installed Friday as well. A little bit more than $30,000 came in and so we are going to use that to start to build the kitchen and bathrooms walls. Pray that God would continue to give us favor as He guides us in this massive endeavor.
Leaving the property yesterday I stopped at the big gate with tears of joy streaming down my face. The beauty that surrounds the land is absolutely breathtaking and I just can't believe how incredible big God is. He continues to strengthen our faith as we put total dependence on Him. Then it hit me... This is God's vision. He isn't going to let anyone or anything get in the way of it because this is His beautiful plan. We are just privileged to be a small part of it as all of you have been too.
Rejoice with us! Help us give God the praise and honor He deserves for this marvelous work.
This is just the first of many things we need to build in order to have the camp up and running. If you would like to be a part of this please click on the link below and select class 60.