Getting around in Costa Rica is a bit more complicated than in the states. First, we must figure out where to purchase what we need, and how to say it in Spanish (this is the most challenging part). Next we must figure out how to get there; walk, take a bus or taxi. Once we get there, they may or may not be open. Everything isn't always in one place. Who knew you bought baking soda at the pharmacy? Well, now you do! It has been quite a fun adventure so far. There is a really nice small grocery store about a mile from our apartment that we can walk to. The bread store an

d pharmacy are also not too far of a walk. You can imagine how much exercise we have already gotten. Thankfully we brought KyAnna's stroller and the boys have been real troopers. On Saturdays, Ken goes by taxi to an open air market to buy all our fruits, vegetables, spices and herbs. Once we get the produce home we must soak it in bleach water to avoid getting Amebae Infection. The picture of Ken and I is at Central Market, downtown San Jose. The other is of La Feria, the open air market Ken goes to on Saturdays. The produce from the market is very inexpensive and taste AMAZING, we wish we could send you all some.