
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Preparing For The Final Stretch

We have just completed our 2nd of 3 trimesters at language school here in San Jose, Costa Rica. The picture to the left is of Ken, myself, our amazing conversation teacher Roxana, Dallas Hines (Argentina) and Chad Burgbacher (Panama). Together as missionaries we have learned the language over the past 8 months and have 4 months to go. We begin our last trimester September 2nd and will graduate December 12th. It is hard to believe. There are days it feels like we have been here forever and days when we feel like we just arrived. Language school has been more than learning a new language it has also been about learning a new culture, and when we finally land in Nicaragua we will begin to learn much more. God has been faithful to us in so many ways, but specifically protection. He has watched over us and our little ones and kept us out of harm's way, when it was so very near, so many times. Please continue to pray as we enter the final stretch, God would open our ears to both understand the language that we have so diligently studied and also to hear His voice as we begin to make arrangements for our move in December. THANK YOU for your prayers for our protection and provision.