What an AWESOME week!!! The Assemblies of God of Nicaragua was the host country of the “IX Consulta Misionera” this past week. A/G Superintendents, Mission Directors, and their delegates from 20 different countries gathered for a very impacting four days. It was a time of coming together, getting updated, encouraged, trained, and inspired to go back to their own country to mobilize Latino missionaries. Over 250 people came together and took part in what I felt as a “God ordained” moment. It was very powerful to sit in and witness what God is raising up in these last days.
There’s truly something extraordinary about these leaders from these 20 nations coming together and working together to send out missionaries of their own to reach this world for Christ. I had the privilege of transporting some of them around all week for this special event and heard some awesome stories of how God is using their Latino missionaries. It is simply amazing, but not surprising; on how God can use the Latino missionaries in countries/cultures where as U.S. missionaries may have a more difficult time relating to the family culture/customs and in some cases, are even denied access into the country simply because they are U.S. citizens.
Many of these nations still have great needs of their own and there is so much work yet to be done for the Kingdom of God in their own “backyard”, but they see the need and know their responsibility to be senders as well. Kendra and I are so honored to be sent out by you to work along side the national church of Nicaragua and to help them reach their young people. The need is great! We are truly excited in believing that one day soon we will see the young people that come to know the Lord through our ministry here, be called by God, raised up and sent out to the ends of the Earth.