A huge Thank You to all of you who made "Uniform Project 2011" a huge success. 295 children passed through the Children's Center over the last few days to receive a school uniform, backpack and school supplies. I wish ALL of you could have been here to see the joy and pride that beamed from their faces as they left the center with their backpacks full. AMAZING!!! This would not have been possible without our supporting churches and friends back home.
700,000 school aged children all over Nicaragua are not able to attend school each year. Public school in Nicaragua is free, however they must purchase the standard uniform in order to attend. Due to the extreme poverty in Nicaragua, purchasing this uniform is not possible for many families. It was our desire to bless 200 kids from the Children's Center with an opportunity to go to school this year and begin their education. However, we were able to bless 295 kids through this distribution. With a good education, Lord willing, one day they will be able to rise above their poverty and be blessed enough to have the things we too comonly take for granted like clean water, food and shelter.
Even though their were 295 children that came through, we did everything we could to keep it VERY personal and make every child feel special and loved. They entered the center two children at a time. I, Kendra, got them registared and gave them their name tag so that we could all call them by name. It is hard to comprahend that 6 to 12 year old children don't know how old they are or when their birthday is. This alone shows you the lack of education and the desire that drives getting them into school. Then they went to the uniform fitting station and Tiffany, Engage leader, got their appropriate size. From there they went to the shoe station and Leanna, Engage student, fitted them for school shoes and then they passed on to the backpacks and school supples. Then they were given a yellow slip of paper to hang on to and bring back on Saturday to pick up their fitted uniform. Before they left the center Jeff, one of our Engage students, prayed a prayer over every single one of these precious 295 children. This took us 2 full, long, hot days to complete but was worth every minute and every smile.
Day 3 of the project was Saturday, uniform pick up day. The distribution was to start at 1pm. All of the chidlren knew what time it was going to start and they all had their yellow slips of paper to remind them. We got to the center around 11am to prepare inside the center for the distribution. Much to our surprise, when we came around the corner to pull up to the center, the streets were full of children cheering and waving their yellow slips of paper. There was a line that had started forming at 6am with over 100 children standing in the sun, smiling from ear to ear, waving their yellow slips of paper.
We had every childs uniform individual packed, labeled and ready to go. So, when we opened the doors, we again did every thing we could to keep it personal. The kids came in 16 at a time. They sat in chairs that were set out for them. I talked with them very quickly and told them how proud we were of every single one of them. How excited we are for them to school and how important it is that they get up and go EVERY day. We told them how much God cares about each one of them and how we would continue to pray for them as they begin to study. Then, my husband, kids, Engage team and some national friends helps us to distribute the uniforms. Each helper took one childs slip of paper. Went and got the appropriate labeled uniform package and when they came back to give it to the child they called them by name and told them how proud of them they were and that God would bless them. Very personal and so beautiful to see the pride and joy come of each child.
What an awesome opportunity YOU all gave us to share Christ's love in a very practicle way. Thank you to John and Wilma Hall for allowing us to use the Children's Center for this project. May God continue to bless their ministry as well.
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