
Monday, March 10, 2008

3 Amigos

Many of you have written and asked how the kids have been doing and how their transition is going here in Costa Rica. We truly appreciate all your e-mails and love hearing updates from your families and churches in the states. Our internet connection goes in and out, and sometimes we go a few days without internet in our apartment. We are not ignoring you, God is just preparing us for Nicaragua where the connection will be much less reliable.

All of the kids have done remarkably well with their transition into a new culture and language. Kaden (6) goes to a school where both Spanish and English are spoken and taught, so he has the advantage of having teachers who understand English and Spanish. Kaleb (4) and KyAnna (2) are in a Kinder Care program at our language school where they only speak Spanish. So, you can imagine how quickly their little minds are picking up this new language that they are growing to love. We only speak English with them at home, so that they are better able to separate and identify the 2 languages.

Some of the pictures in this blog are taken at a neighborhood playground right next to our language school. Thanks to our little ones we have had the opportunity to meet some wonderful people in the park who have now become our Spanish interaction partners for one of our classes. When we first arrived in Costa Rica the park did not look very appealing. The grass was way overgrown, there were dogs everywhere and just one look at the rusted and broken equipment made me think "hazard". Now, over 2 months later we have a bit of a different view. It is hard to find places in San Jose for kids to run and play outside. So, this once seemingly danger zone has become a bit of a treasure and a blessing in so many ways. It is amazing what a good mow and a lot of happy kids can do to a place.

Again, thank you for your e-mails, we truly love hearing from you. Thank you for praying for us and our children as ALL of us continue to learn the language and culture.

Top, right: Kaleb at the park in his favorite place, high up in the mango tree.
Middle, left: KyAnna and her new tica (Costa Rican) friend Dani.

Bottom, right: Kaden having a good laugh listening to us try and speak Spanish.
Bottom, left: Kaleb, Kaden and KyAnna with their MK (Missionary Kid) friends to Venezuela.