
Tuesday, April 1, 2008

What is God up to?

We have found ourselves saying this phrase over and over the last three months. We said it when God allowed us to raise our budget, with your help, in only seven months. We said it when God found renters for our house the very last week before we moved overseas. We continue to say it as we balance family time in a new culture in the midst of Spanish class by day and homework by night. However, most significantly, we recall saying it while enrolling Kaden into his new school across town here in San Jose.

As many of you know, we attend a Missionary language school by the name of Cincel, which means "chisel" in Spanish. When we arrived here in January with the other new Missionaries, we were the largest class to come in at one time to Cincel. When adding our new class to the current enrollment, Cincel is now training and equipping more Missionaries than ever before.

Kaden (our 6 year old) attends a bi-lingual school for missionary kids. His school is located on the the campus of yet another language school here in San Jose for Missionaries. When enrolling Kaden into his new school, we found out that their enrollment increased by 100 new kids in January alone! They mentioned it was due to the amount of new Missionary families that had just arrived at language school to prepare to go to the field in which God had called them. This too making their attendance the largest it has ever been.

So “what is God up to” calling so many missionaries to Latin America right now? We know that He doesn’t want
any to parish. However, could it also be that the future missionaries to the 10/40 window will be from Latin America? Possibly, the very ones that will be reached, raised up, and trained by these new missionaries? Perhaps,young people, whose lives that will be touched by God and sent out to reach where we cannot go? Only time will tell, but we all know that God is up to something incredible.
                              Thank you for being a part of what God is up to!