
Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Rain Has Just Begun

A few years ago our home church went on the 1st of 2 missions trips to Costa Rica. While in Costa Rica they were helping to build a church in the city of Quepos. After the team returned, while we were listening to the testimonies of God's provision and protection, I remember hearing these phrases over and over. "It was raining so hard", "It rained the entire time", "We just kept working in the rain because it didn't stop" , "I have never seen so much rain". I am sure those of you that were on that trip will never forget. We may not have been able to understand then, but we do now. Costa Rica has only two seasons: The dry season from late November to mid April and the rainy season from May to mid November. As of May 1st, we officially started raining season here, and believe us this year is no exception. In theory, it is supposed to rain every afternoon into the evening from now until August. In August it begins to rain for longer stretches of time into September and October where it goes days without a break from the rain. Well, the rain doesn't want to wait until September because it just keeps raining and raining. Last week it started in the morning and rained all day into the evening for 3 days. It has slowed down a little, but for the most part rains most of the day and all evening. Keep in mind that while we are in language school we do not have a vehicle. So, walking in the hard rain with the kids on very narrow sidewalks and sometimes no sidewalks at all, with streets that have large uncovered manholes can be interesting most of the time. Today the kids and I walked to the store with another missionary mom and her daughter. On our way home the rain was so hard that we stopped in front of a little church that had a small overhang. We got ourselves out of the rain and took a break from the struggle of trying to watch where we were going, carrying our bags, keep away from speeding cars, and gripping the hands of our little ones... of course trying to keep the umbrellas over us at the same time. While we were taking our little break from the rain, Kaden (6) looks up to heaven and so sincerely and sweet he says, "Jesus, thank you for your church." The heart of a child is so precious. Your MK's (missionary kids) are some real troopers

As the rain continues, so do we. Pray for us as we continue to study Spanish and prepare for the work ahead of us in Nicaragua.