Last night we got together for a 4
th of July celebration with our fellow language school students. KyAnna was in the groove running with a group of kids and she tripped. As she tripped, the kids from behind didn’t have time to stop and the impact from behind sent her head first into the cement floor. I ran to pick her up and she was completely limp with her eyes rolled back in her head. Kaden and another mom ran to get Ken, while our little Kaleb and I started praying for her. She was completely unconscious for a minute to a minute and a half. When she regained consciousness she began crying (which was a good sign). We took her inside to the house to calm her down and check her. Her pupils were fine, but she wouldn’t really respond to us. I knew in my heart God had touched her. God’s peace came over us in an indescribable way. Calmly, Ken said "Kendra, she is okay." I looked at KyAnna and said
“KyAnna, did Jesus heal you?” she immediately lifted her head, looked me in the eyes, made 1 big nod with her head and said “Yes". She started looking around. She got up and she walked away to play as if it never happened. She doesn't have a bruise or a bump on her head, and absolutely no pain. There is NO DOUBT that God touched her in an awesome way! Thank you for your faithful prayer support. It is in moments like these that God shows us the army of prayer warriors going with us to Nicaragua. Please continue to pray for our safety and protection. We are truly blessed by each of you!