
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Foundation and Vision

Earlier this year we had the opportunity to travel to the Nicoya Peninsula here in Costa Rica. It took us just over 9 hours to travel 135 miles. Why? Years ago when the roads were constructed, they were not built with an accurate vision and therefore are not able to meet the demand of what is now needed.

A few weeks ago when we were walking home from the store, we came upon a gentleman and a car that had completely fallen through the road while driving. Why? This road was not built on solid ground. Over time, the water below the surface was able to slowly wash away the foundation and eventually gave way.

These are just 2 examples of many from our time here in language school where we have been reminded that foundation and vision are both very vital in our years to come in missions. We want to say “thank you” to each individual and church that have so faithfully committed to support us during our language studies. We are so blessed by each of you and your sacrifice. We know that the time invested at language school will allow us to be more effective in reaching the children and youth of Nicaragua.