
Saturday, November 29, 2008

I am thankful for . . .

For the past 9 years of our marriage we have always spent Thanksgiving with Ken's side of the family and Christmas with my side of the family. This was our first Holiday away from our families. As much as we wished we were with our family, we did our very best to keep our traditions and to create a traditional Thanksgiving meal with the items we have available here. Our kids were so excited. Our oldest son Kaden said it was his favorite day in Costa Rica so far. Earlier in the day Ken shared the history of thanksgiving with the kids and then before we ate dinner we went around and each of us shared what we were thankful for this year. Kaleb (5) started..."I am thankful for Art Class at school because we get to cut and paint and make beautiful things", then KyAnna (3 years old today!!) said "I am thankful for everything" next Kaden (7) said "I am thankful for our family, school and being able to read". After Kaleb's big brother Kaden shared, Kaleb had to make it clear that he was also very, very, very thankful for family. (He didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings.)

Ken and I both are thankful for our family, God's continued provision and protection over us, our opportunity to study Spanish this year, and YOU! Thank you for your continued love, encouragement, support and prayers for our family. With each step we take, we see the hand of God working. We graduate from language school in just 12 days. Thank you for coming along side us on this journey. We love you and are thankful for all God has done in your lives and ours.