Well, it has been a couple of weeks now in our house and we are all adjusting. We have figured out a routine with the lack of water and have learned to be extremely grateful when we do have water in the evening. However, the kids would like a different system as the water comes on too late for them to stay awake and too early for them to get up. So, they have been bathing with cold water out of 5 gallon buckets that we have stored from the night before. We are waiting on the people to come hook up internet and a gas line for the house so we can cook and communicate. They said they were coming "tomorrow" and that was 10 days ago. We are hoping everything will be connected by the end of the month..
We have the most incredible neighbors/landlords who have been helping us figure out life in Nicaragua. It is great for our Spanish too!
We have been learning a lot about the culture and the kids haven't missed a beat. They even caught on to the local game of soccer using whatever you have as a ball. The other day we were outside and the kids were playing soccer with some old coconuts

that had fallen in our yard. It was priceless. Enjoy the pictures...