Over the next few months our plan is to travel and meet Pastors to get a better idea of how we can be the most effective in the ministry God has called us to. We will also be helping other missionaries in their missions projects so that we can see firsthand their work and see how we can work together to reach the youth and children of Nicaragua together. One of the missionary couples we are currently helping are fellow missionaries Jon and Wilma Hall. The Hall's have a ministry called El Camino which means "the way". They have a ministry truck that they t

ake into some of the poorest parts of Managua and the surrounding areas to do a 12 week discipleship program with street kids. They also have a relatively new feeding center. They are currently in a building project building a children's center which will house the feeding program for the kids that live near the Managua city dump 'La Chureca". On Friday mornings they have a children's program which takes place right in the middle of the street as the center is not yet ready. After the children participate in the program and have an opportunity to be prayed with, they are able to receive a hot meal. Currently 250-300 children are being fed every Friday. What a remarkable way to share the love of Christ to families and specifically children who have such great needs.

Once the feeding center is complete, the first floor will be a kitchen and dining hall and the 2nd floor will be used for community development/education and ministry training. We can only imagine the incredible impact that this small children's center will have for these forgotten people. Where there once was no hope, hope is alive.
If you or your church are interested in donating toward the completion of the children's center you may donate
on-line here. Please write 'feeding center" in the comments area of your donation. We would love you, your family or church to be a part of this great work.