THANK YOU MICHIGAN TEENAGERS!!! We want to personally thank Jeff & Becky Kennedy, Pastor Nathan and the youth from The Shores Church and all the young people and youth pastors of Michigan. We are so blessed by your generosity. Being on the receiving end after years of giving/raising STL funds as Youth Pastors, I must tell you it is truly humbling to receive such an awesome gift knowing first hand all the hard work and sacrifices you and your teens have done to raise money for STL, and for that, we are grateful.
We live on a property with 3 other houses and when we came home Saturday with our STL vehicle, one of the families (they're all Nicaraguans) said, "Wow, you will need that here with what you are going to do." I went on to tell them that the teenagers in Michigan bought us this vehicle as a way to share God's love and take the gospel all over Nicaragua. At that moment, they sort of had a different look on their faces. I personally thought they didn't understand my Spanish, so I repeated it and tried to explain more in detail. It turned out that they did understand me but they were just really in awe of what an American teenager would do during these economic hard times.
You will notice in the picture of our STL vehicle, that the location is on top of Volcán Masaya (an active volcano). The cross behind us was the place a priest put a cross, as he said, "at the mouth of hell" many, many years ago. That location is only 10 miles from our house and we will be sure to take the Michigan teens when they come to help minister next summer. Thanks to the teens of Michigan, we are now able to take the message of the cross all over this beautiful country of Nicaragua.