
Monday, September 21, 2009

Project "Felipe"

We are excited about a discipleship program we have launched in the mountains called, Proyecto Felipe. Which translates, The Philip Project. We currently have 3 groups of youth and 3 groups of adults. Above, you will see some of the wonderful people involved.

Project "Felipe" goes beyond providing Bibles and getting "decisions for Christ". Through Project "Felipe", people are invited to participate in a Bible study. After completing their first 6 week study, they receive a gift of a New Testament, after their 2nd six week study, a full bible, and then a very nice hardback Spanish Study Bible after their final study.

Throughout the process, these young people are studying God's Word side-by-side with local Christians. As they complete the lessons, their interest in the Bible increases, their relationship with God grows, and their relationship with the local church is strengthened. The Bible they receive, the fellowship they join, and the knowledge they gain will feed their new faith.

God has called us to make disciples and we are excited about this opportunity to not only share Christ, but give them the Word of God, so that they may continue to grow, learn, and in return, share Christ's love with others. We are reminded that faith that is not grounded in God's Word and nurtured by fellowship with other Christians is like a seed on rocky soil. It has no root, so it cannot last.

La Líga Bíblica (the Bible League) has reduced the cost of the materials to $10, which includes 3 study guides in spanish; paperback New Testament, Bible, and hardcover study Bible. After they complete each 6 week study, they receive one gift of a bible that they are in return, able to share it with others. When they complete all 3 studies, they receive their very own study bible. The Spanish Study Bible alone costs $20, but thanks to the efforts of the bible league in Chicago we are able to buy all of the necessary materials for the cost of $10 per pack/person. If you are interested in contributing $10 toward this project you can donate online and here and type Project "Felipe" in the comments area. Thank you for your prayer and support in this project.