
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Testimony Of The Well

Saturday we traveled to visit a small village near Rama where there is a new church plant that is only 3 months old. Ken had visited the same church less than a month ago with fellow missionary Troy Doudy and a team from Feed The Hungry. While we were sitting talking with the Pastor, Ken asked her to share the testimony of the well with our family and our summer intern. We walked across the property and down the hill to the lowest point on the property. The Pastor proceeded to tell us the following testimony.

Three months ago they came to plant a church in this small remote village where the people walk up to three hours each direction to get to church every Sunday and Thursday. There is no electricity or running water and they walk very far to carry clean water from a spring and also walk far to get to the river to wash clothes and bathe. Shortly after arriving to plant the church, the Pastor had a dream that they had a well on the property for the people of this small community. She shared the dream with people from the church and community and almost everyone said they wouldn't be able to hit water there. However, they announced that they were going to start digging and would like help. Five men from the church showed up to help. They had plans to dig 36 meters at which they hoped and prayed to hit water. They dug for 25 days during daylight most of the time spent removing large rocks and bolders. The rocks just kept getting bigger and bigger. More and more people were needed to help pull the cables they were using to bring the bolders out of the hole. The largest bolder being brought by almost 40 locals. They ripped towels and wrapped them around their hands and then covered their hands with thick socks. everyone pulling at once on the cables. Then they would would catch the slack and rest by wrapping the cables around one tree and then another. It took them almost an entire day to get this one rock out of the hole. On the 25th day and only 13 meters down they struck water. Those who had been helping were all there to celebrate and word spread quickly about the faith of these people. People were walking from all around asking if it was true and coming to see the well. With tears in the Pastor's eyes she continued to tell us that they really struggled when they were sent to Pastor this church in such a remote area, but that God shown them His favor and blessing and now people are walking from even farther away to come and hear about Jesus.

This summer we have the awesome opportunity to return to this village and do a children's outreach. We are excited for the opportunity to minister along side this new church plant. God is so faithful!