
Thursday, June 10, 2010


This past week we had an amazing time with some very special young people. In 2000, when we moved to Michigan to be Youth Pastors at St. Clair Shores A/G, these young people were just entering junior high. We were blessed to be able to spend 7 incredible years at The Shores and see these jr. highers graduate from high school. Now, they have graduated from college and they are doing amazing things with their lives. Faithfully serving the Lord and growing in Him tremendously. They came down to visit our family for a week and serve the people of Nicaragua alongside us. What an awesome experience to see them love the people as much as we do.

It was both an honor
and a blessing to be able to see them so selflessly pouring into people's lives and sharing Christ's love. Thanks to their help, we were able to do a food distribution and clothing distribution for very needy families in the mountains. Now there are 16 teenage boys from the Farming School of Hope proudly sporting their Michigan t-shirts. SO AWESOME!

What an amazing week for all of us incluiding our children, who loved having some friends with us. Together we share many memories from years that have passed, now we share even more memories together seeing God touch people's lives and I am sure there will be many more to come.