Last week was an incredible week as a team from Parkersburg, WV came and ministered. The team of men came along side the youth in the farming program and taught them basic construction skills and together they built a beautiful chicken coop. 10 youth completed the construction course and were involved with the construction of the Farming School of Hope's chicken coop.

Currently there are 12 boys in the Farming School of Hope program. God is doing great things in each of their lives. Once where there was very little food, no hope of jobs and very little joy; now there is an abundance. God is doing great things in each of their lives. In the near future we hope to post the testimonies of each one so that you can pray for them, as well as, rejoice in what God is doing. Our heart is to see these youth raised up and see a changed generation full of faith and hope. Already the youth are going to nearby communities to share God's love. For us it is more than a hand raised for salvation, it is walking beside them and seeing God change the life of one child at a time.
We look forward to seeing all the members of the North Parkersburg church back in 2010! Thank you for investing into the lives of each of these precious youth.